Judy Wajcman, TechnoFeminism



Introduction: Feminist Utopia or Dystopia?
1. Male Designs on Technology
 From Access to Equity
 Science as Ideology
 Technology as Patriarchal
 Sex, Class and Technology
2. Technoscience Reconfigured
 Beyond Technological Determinism
 From Gender-Blind to Gender Aware
 Combining Feminist and Technology Studies
3. Virtual Gender
 Networked Community
 Cyberfeminism: 'The clitoris is a direct line to the matrtix'
 Performing Gender in Cyberspace
 Technology as Freedom
4. The Cyborg Solution
 Embracing Science and Technology
 From Man of Science to FemaleMan©
 OncoMouseTM: Technologising Life and Reprogramming Nature
 Send in the Cyborgs
5. Metaphor and Materiality
 Changing Technologies, Changing Subjectivities
 Towards Technofeminism
 Sociotechincal Practices: Expertise and Agency


Feminism Confronts Technology

Feminism Confronts Technology

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The Politics of Working Life

The Politics of Working Life
